As you look through these web pages we can only hope the craftsmanship and quality comes through in the photographs. One read though the testimonials should give a reader the sense of confidence and satisfaction our customer have in doing business with us. We feel that Gaetano is unique in that he is an old world European craftsman who has relocated to central Florida.
Gaetano Oddi is a windows and doors replacement expert as he learned his trade in a country where energy costs are much higher than in America and where energy efficiency replacement doors and windows are not only appreciated, they are expected. Gaetano recognizes that Florida with it’s long hot summers, rising energy costs, and hurricane safety concerns is a natural area of America to use his expertise in energy efficient products to reduce costs and improve property resale values.
Gaetano Oddi was born and raised in Italy. He studied languages in Paris and London, he then joined the family business, Real Estate and renovations, in London. Gaetano to the US in 1996 and started his own additions and renovations company. He moved to Orlando 9 years ago and earned his Residential Builders license and specializes in carpentry and kitchen and bath renovations. Gaetano guarantees satisfaction and is committed to quality and honesty.